OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 4 No. 2, 2023) RE-APPRAISING "WHO IS JESUS CHRIST FOR US TODAY" IN THE BOOK, GOD OF THE OPPRESSED BY JAMES HAL CONE (PUBLISHED IN 1975) Author(s): Ifeanyi J. Okeke


James Hal. The cone is a black American theologian. He was born on August 5th 1938. Best known for his advocacy of Black Theology and Black liberation Theology. A onetime pastor of former American President Barack Obama, JAMES H. CONE is currently the Charles Augustus Briggs Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. The blacks in asking who is Jesus for us today, according to Cone means that the story of Jesus' life and death is the answer to the human story of oppression and suffering. Believing that the black's liberation through the fundamental understanding and application of who is Jesus for us today, will liberate the blacks (worldwide) from oppression, subjugation and enslavement by their white counterparts. Alas, even after giving independence and the institution of several measures towards the equality of mankind no matter the colour, blacks and indeed the whole world is faced with different and various problems emanating even from the blacks themselves across the globe. Now the question is, has the realization or knowledge of who is Jesus Christ for us today provided the much-needed answer to black liberation?

Keywords: Black; Theology; Systematic Theology, Theological Union

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