OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 4 No. 1, 2023) AN AFRICAN APPRAISAL OF SARTRE'S EXISTENTIALISM AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR HUMAN EXISTENCE IN AFRICA Author(s): Festus Adegboyega Akinola, PhD


The need for better and qualitative human life cannot be underestimated in philosophical studies. This is because the basic task of philosophy is to reflect on human life and humanity. It is therefore, imperative for philosophy in Africa to make impact in that direction. Existentialism is that field of philosophy that is centered on the nature of human existence and Jean- Paul Sartre is one of the key voices in that regard. His contributions to the area of existential freedom is probably profound than that of any Western existentialists. Key issues in his existentialism are directly linked with his concept of freedom. African philosophy on the other hand is a unique philosophy with its own culture and is not bereft of ideas about human existence. African existentialism shares areas of convergence and divergence with Sartre. This is an existential view point that is concerned with the promotion and preservation of fundamental African values and culture. Consequently, the paper examines critical components of Sartre existentialism and juxtapose them with African existentialism. The thrust of this paper is the examination of the discourse of human existence from Sartre's point of view, with the hope that human existence on the continent could be improved by the maximization of the various existential virtues in African culture and philosophy. It proposes that Sartre's existentialism can be applied in achieving a good understanding of the nature of human existence and freedom in Africa. Hence, his existentialism and freedom has implications for the development of human existence in Africa.

Keywords: African, Sarte, Existentialism, Philosophy, Africa

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