OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 3 No. 2, 2022) CHALLENGES OF WIDOWHOOD IN CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN SOCIETY: A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS Author(s): Mary Winifred Gloria Eche, PhD


It is an established fact that the African culture is highly patriarchal, where masculinity seems to be the measure of humanness in almost every facet of life. Males as husbands die as well as Females as wives; but till this day, what happens after the death of a husband differs in some parts of Africa from what happens after the death of a wife. With the use of the analytic method, this paper reflects on the outcry of many women who are seeking for justice and freedom from the inhuman treatment unleashed on them after the death of their husbands. The paper provides suggestions that can help to reduce this menace, one of which is a clarion call on African philosophers, sociologists, and indeed Africans generally to think differently from the rest, so that united we can make our impact felt in this often-neglected area.

Keywords: Challenges, Widowhood, Contemporary, African, Society

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