OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 3 No. 1, 2022) OPEN GRAZING IN NIGERIA: A THREAT TO HUMAN LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION Author(s): Nnoruga, Nnaemeka James, PhD


Open grazing in Nigeria is now a source of major crisis in Nigeria, hence the enactment of laws by different states house of assembly in different states of Nigeria become a necessity. This crisis has reached to the extent or point that lives are being lost daily in different localities and community. Not only that lives are being lost, depletion of environment is going on due to the activities of cattle rearing. The ecosystem and their environmental assets such as fertile soil, clean water, forests and biodiversity are greatly threatened towards extinction, degradation, and so on. Though the cattle rearing or open grazing provide their own services to economic growth of the Nigerian, but the losses being experienced or incurred is now out weighing the supposed gains towards the economic growth and maintaining biological foundations for human and non-human life. This explains why the Nigerian people are experiencing acute environmental crisis in different forms due to open grazing. A sociological research undertaking in this write-up is showing that many factors are responsible for these crises which are being experienced in the Nigeria society. Apart from some factors development that is on-going contributed to the issue at hand. The effects and implications are being discussed in this write-up.

Keywords: Open Grazing, Fulani Herdsmen, Environment, Nigeria, Human Life, Degradation

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