OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 2 No. 1, 2021) HERDSMEN/FARMER'S CRISIS AND ITS EFFECTS ON ECOLOGY Author(s): Atsue Iorliam Isaac


This paper examines farmers and herders’ crisis and its effects on ecology in the contemporary society. It employed the qualitative research design where data were sourced from books, articles and journals to examine farmers and herders’ crisis and its effects on ecology. In line with the above, descriptive method was employed to establish that farmers. Herders and ecological crisis in our society have become very paramount and should be recognized and appropriate measures have to be taken to tackle it. The researcher observed in his findings that many have different conceptions about the issue in place and how the crisis has affected the ecological system in our society. The significance of the work would be for those with misconception about this crisis and how it has affected the ecosystem to understand and be able to manage the environment in the right perspective. The aim of this study is to philosophically examine the effects of the crisis to the environment, or the society and propose recommendations necessary for the need of the people and the society. The work, therefore, concludes that, there is need for more enlightenment about the destruction and a possible encouragement about the things around us.

Keywords: Herdemen, Farmers, Crisis, Ecology, Eco-system, Eco-spirituality

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