OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 2 No. 1, 2021) AFRICAN CULTURAL BELIEFS AND ECO-SPIRITUALITY Author(s): Jude I. Onebunne, PhD & Success O. Okechukwu


Every society or community in the world and Africa in particular has a set of values and norms that guide the activities and protects their interests. Culture which is commonly known as the people’s way of life, in Africa, can be said to be a tree in which eco- spirituality has a branch. The connection between spirituality and the earth has deep and historical roots in many cultural practices and beliefs especially those that have remained in tune with the rhythm and limits of the earth, such as the African tradition. Using the method of critical evaluation and analysis the researchers find out that the African cultural beliefs have positive effects on the revolution of eco—spirituality. The researchers, therefore, suggested that the African cultural beliefs be critically assessed and those found inimical to the intricacies of eco-spirituality be dissolved. It is essential then, that African cultural beliefs be revaluated and the relevance of these beliefs especially those pertaining to ecological spirituality be sustained for an improved ecology.

Keywords: African; Culture; Ecology; Spirituality; Beliefs; Eco-spirituality

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