OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 2 No. 1, 2021) AFRICAN TRADO-MEDICINE AND ECO-SPIRITUALITY Author(s): Jude I. Onebunne, PhD


The African continent is naturally endowed with various plant species and herbs with nutritional and medicinal benefits. This natural endowment as a result has contributed to her rich culture and practice of eco-spirituality. These species of plants and herbs are mostly used in Africa and often taken as food and medicine due to its availability, naturalness and cost effectiveness. Extensive research studies have been conducted on the medicinal uses of most African plants. However, the therapeutic potentials of some of these plants have remained unexploited. Over the years, several studies have revealed that some of these African floras and faunas are imbued with promising potentials for the development of novel drugs if the Africans revive the practice of eco-spirituality. Using the method of critical analysis, the researcher discovers that safety in the use of folk medicines has been a major public health concern over the years and suggests that relevant authorities should take measures in safeguarding the populace on the use of herbal mixtures through good policy formulations and implementation.

Keywords: African traditional medicine, Africa, African, environment, Eco-spirituality

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