OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 4 No. 4, 2023) SHOULD THERE BE A PLACE FOR ETHICS IN POLITICS? A REFLECTION ON THE NIGERIAN SITUATION Author(s): Solomon Eyesan, PhD; Tobenna B. B. Ikwuamaeze, PhD; Kenechukwu K. Makwudo, PhD & Austin A. Mbachu, PhD


This paper examines the relationship between ethics and politics on the one hand, and its implication(s) within the Nigerian context on the other hand. The question about the connection between ethics and politics has a long history in philosophy, traceable to the ancient philosophers. Divisions abound among philosophers and scholars, about whether politics should be considered as a different world from everyday life, where morality applies, or whether ethical standards apply in politics as in everyday life. This division is clearly characterized by the moralists and the realists, represented intellectually by Aristotle and Machiavelli, respectively. The age long debate ranges on and remains relevant in our world today, because politics is about the state and the state has become more complex. Thus, the focus of this paper becomes significant, because human beings need more answers to such unresolved issues and this study provides an adequate academic approach and further public discussion. The research’s overarching questions are: Is ethics relevant in politics? Are pragmatic considerations the ultimate goal in politics? What are the threats to morality when doing politics? What threats does morality pose to politics? Is individual morality enough to bring about the required leadership cum developmental changes in Nigeria? The last question is relevant because it appears that the focus on moral leadership by Nigerians is yet to yield the desired outcome. The argument of this paper is centered on a middle point between the moralists and the realists. It is our argument too that ethical virtue of individual politicians is not enough to navigate the stormy waters of politics, instead, we propose that more emphasis should be on institutional ethics. The methodology of this research is philosophical analysis which would chiefly consist of analysis, exposition, argumentation and synthesis.

Keywords: Ethics, Morality, Politics, State, Nigeria

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