OCHENDO - An African Journal of Innovative Studies (OAAJIS) (Vol. 4 No. 4, 2023) EXPLORING THE METAPHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OF AFRICAN MIGRATION AND THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY Author(s): Izuchukwu Kizito Okoli


This study delves into the metaphysical dimensions of African migration and its impact on the global community. Departing from a conventional understanding of migration as a mere physical movement, this research explores the deeper spiritual, cultural and philosophical aspects that underlie this phenomenon. Drawing upon perspectives from anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies, this study examines how African migration transcends borders and shapes the metaphysical experiences of individuals and communities. Employing the analytic method, it investigates how migration engenders to endanger or sustain ancestral connections, spiritual continuity and collective consciousness within the global African diaspora. Furthermore, the study explores the formation of sacred spaces, rituals and artistic expressions that arise from the fusion of African traditions with new environments. The research also investigates the role of spirituality, indigenous knowledge systems, and alternative forms of wellness in fostering healing, empowerment, and resilience within migrant communities. By delving into the metaphysical dimensions of African migration, this study contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics that shape the experiences and interconnectedness of individuals and communities in the global community. The findings can contribute to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the diverse cultural and spiritual practices within the African diaspora. This can promote cross-cultural dialogue, tolerance and respect, fostering a more inclusive and interconnected global community.

Keywords: African, Migration, Ancestral, Spiritual, Metaphysical, Anthropology, Transcendence

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