Journal of African Studies and Sustainable Development (JASSD) (Vol. 6 No. 3, 2023) GRAPHIC DESIGN INDUSTRY IN THE POST-COVID-19 ERA IN NIGERIA Author(s): Ibiwoye, Tope Israel; Ejem, Agwu Agwu & Kanu, Emmanuel Uchenna


The COVID-19 pandemic affected countless businesses and brought significant changes to the global economy, principally by changing the way people live and work, and leading to serious disruptions for many industries. With the implementation of lockdowns, social distancing measures, and the shift to remote work, graphic designers and other service providers had to adapt to new ways of working and serving clients. With widespread opinions from graphic designers, industry executives, and academics that the graphic design industry was impacted by COVID-19, this research paper examines the specific impact of the pandemic on the graphic design practice in Nigeria. The objectives were to identify any changes in the way work is done and the extent to which the demand for digital design services has been affected by the pandemic, and ultimately know if there is a need for creative adaptation to meet the changing needs of clients. The study employed a mixedmethod approach that includes surveys and interviews with graphic designers in Nigeria. The findings suggest that the pandemic has led to a shift towards remote work and increased demand for digital design services. The study also highlights the importance of creative adaptation in meeting the changing needs of clients during the pandemic. The research concludes by proposing recommendations for graphic designers in Nigeria to adapt to the new normal.

Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Digitalization, Graphic Design, Remote Work

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