Journal of African Studies and Sustainable Development (JASSD) (Vol. 6 No. 3, 2023) SOLIDARITY IN WORLD RELIGIONS: A PERSPECTIVE OF NIGERIA Author(s): Virgilius Kawama


Religion lies at the centre of the lives of humanity. Religions have contributed to the life of humankind in various ways starting with the development of personal and communal faith expressions, the positive impact they have on peoples’ civilization throughout history, their influences on contemporary international relations and significant world events. The importance of religions in our world today cannot be underestimated. The followers of the different world religions should strive to work for solidarity among them. People who are concerned about others need to be sensitive to their religious beliefs and practices. Christianity, Indigenous, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Islam religions are widely scattered. This reality calls for solidarity in world religions. Once the world religions are united, there will be solidarity with one another, they will enjoy working cooperation and more understanding among themselves, they will experience a harmonious cohabitation and a chance to peacefully live together. This article, “Solidarity in World Religions: A Perspective of Nigeria”, explains how people of different faiths can be brought together and live together peacefully, how they can be more sympathetic and compassionate towards each other despite threats and risks posed by religious multiplicity, and provides reliable and accessible knowledge. The author, who has worked with the Muslims and African Traditional Religions practitioners in Nigeria for ten years, believes that if people are to enjoy a righteousness and transformative life, they are to be aware of the significance of religions’ beliefs and practices, they are to respect the mission and importance of interreligious dialogue, and be ready to serve God through humanity. For without genuine interfaith dialogue that promotes unity, leads to a change of heart and subsequently leading to co-existence and promotion of solidarity, our communities will remain in upheavals and underdeveloped. Our communities cannot experience true development when there is no solidarity in world religions. Using a narrative approach the study finding reveal that solidarity in world religions is essential and it must be genuine and practical to bring forth the fruits of togetherness.

Keywords: Dialogue, Interfaith, Interreligious, Religion, Solidarity

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