Journal of African Studies and Sustainable Development (JASSD) (Vol. 6 No. 3, 2023) AFRICAN LIBERATION THEOLOGY: AGENDA DRIVEN STRATEGY FOR EVANGELIZATIONIN THE NIGERIAN CHURCH Author(s): Timothy Barga, PhD


There are many priorities to African theology that deserve absolute consideration. This is because Africa is seemingly a continent that has globally remained the centre for researchers. The theme for African Liberation Theology has always been about concerns for the marginalized masses and socio-political liberation for the economically disadvantaged. To my mind, an honest analysis of African reality shows that the human situations are urgently yearning for a sincere theology of liberation. Various kinds of social injustice are very much operative at various levels, namely, political, economic, social even religious. The dialectics of the struggles between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have nots; the employed and the unemployed, the powerful and powerless, evident in Latin America for many years and which gave rise to her own brand of liberation theology has become a common place in Africa and has proved itself a great source of worry for the African masses. In effect, what this means is that in Africa many socio-political structures are sinful and unjust and these call for liberation and transformation. Consequently, Africa is ripe for a theology of liberation since injustices and other evils are incarnated in her socio-political structures.

Keywords: African, Theology, Liberation, Socio-Political

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