Journal of African Studies and Sustainable Development (JASSD) (Vol. 6 No. 2, 2023) BEYOND HISTORICAL CONTEXTS: AN APPROACH TO EGYPT'S FUTURE: "FORESEEING THE FUTURE AND PROPHECY IN EGYPT IN A HISTORICAL CONTEXT" Author(s): Hamed Abdel Reheem Ead, PhD


In the same way, that man went to his past. He developed the culture of history, but he also turned to his future and developed many cultures that looked for the hidden and, as a result, entered the Occultism phase, making use of all of his senses and emotions. As a result, the techniques for predicting the future multiplied, and with them, man's beliefs multiplied. This created a new source of anxiety for him and increased both his ignorance of the future and his ability to learn about it. These efforts eventually evolved into an old rite. In many ancient societies, it developed as a profession at the highest official level. Our future is a range of possibilities that we must evaluate using the reasoning we develop from studying history, which can help to improve the ability to reason about how changes happen over time, the causes, effects, and significance of things that happened in the past. Applying reasoning developed in studying history can help to avoid especially bad predictions, gain insight into how things might play out, and become a better judge of how reliable different predictions are. Today, it is essential to envision the future and to be aware of the opportunities and possibilities it offers. The major objective of governments and institutions, as well as what people anticipate, is being able to predict both the settings that expose us to unfavourable and unjust circumstances, which in both cases involves being aware and prepared to know what to do under such circumstances. Futures studies are pertinent in this context because they can help with evaluating and building solid frameworks for conceivable futures. Only four studies have been published during the previous 25 years, making this research subject very new and little considered in Egypt. Through a historical review of future Egyptian forecasts from ancient, medieval, and modern Egypt, this article provides a broad summary of upcoming research in Egypt.

Keywords: Prophecy, Neferti, Alexander, Ipuwer, Joseph, Egypt

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