Journal of African Studies and Sustainable Development (JASSD) (Vol. 5 No. 1, 2022) THE HUMAN PERSON AND IMPLICATIONS OF CONTEMPORARY TECHNOLOGIES Author(s): Onyeakazi, Jude Chukwuma, PhD & Agama, Christian Sunday, PhD


The concept of ‘dehumanization’ experienced through technology has been an age long problem in our society today. Many thinkers have written so much about this cancerous malaise but none has been properly exhausted to meet the desired result. The technological take-over is predominantly prevalent around man, and unfortunately it is gradually leading to its oblivion. This has left diverse thoughts twisting in worry, at the possibility of an era when the human person will go into extinction. In the face of this obvious threats therefore, Heidegger's philosophical analysis and critique of modern technology ought not to be ignored. He opines that the current relationship and view about technology ought to be transcended. To attain a better relation with technology, one must avoid an interpretation that is itself beholden to technology. Hence the onus of this paper is to analyze and critically expose Heideggerian view of a possible and new relation to technology; a new relation which must therefore question the essence of technology. Hence, the work will attempt to answer such questions as; how can man create a better approach to technology? What is actually the essence of technology? Is man still in charge of technology or vice versa? Furthermore, this work written in the spirit of Heidegger who through his philosophical binoculars reflects and projects that the search for better ways of controlling technology is not embedded in the area of philosophy, rather in arts and poetry aims at unravelling how this consciousness can be used as essential tool for lasting solution, with the sole aim at restoring the meaning of life in our meaninglessness situation. In that vein, it recommends certain strategies that ought to be adopted so as to save the situation, thereby returning humanity to its past culture. The method of this paper is essentially analytical, expository and evaluative.

Keywords: Human person, Technology, Dehumanization, Society

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