AKU - An African Journal of Contemporary Research (AAJCR) (Vol. 1 No. 1, 2020) AFRICAN ECOSYSTEM AND TABOOS Author(s): Jude I. Onebunne, PhD


The ecosystem which basically entails the interconnectedness of organisms with each other and their environment has over time been at risk of human activities, which due to selfishness or carelessness harmed these organisms and the environment which they exist in mindlessly. Taboos, on the other hand, deal with prohibitions triggered by cultural practices and beliefs which are regarded as sacred. It is, therefore, implicit that taboos play a very big role in the conservation and protection of the ecosystem. Using the methods of critical analysis and evaluation, the researcher finds out that taboos are mainly related to cultural ethics and values and are overlooked by modern day man who has blindly embraced the modern education without reference to them. The researcher suggests, therefore, that emphasis should be laid on these taboos which are favourable to thepreservation of the ecosystem and as such replicate them as standing law to protect the ecosystem and some of its defenceless inhabitant from going extinct.

Keywords: Taboos, Ecosystem, Culture, Ethics, Value, Conservation

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