AKU - An African Journal of Contemporary Research (AAJCR) (Vol. 2 No. 1, 2021) HUMAN PERSON AND THE CONTEMPORARINESS OF THE RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT Author(s): Ikechukwu Anthony Kanu, PhD & Philip Osarobu ISANBOR, PhD


The paper recognised the indispensability of the Right to Development in the promotion of common and integral humanism. Within enclosed history, we recognised that the promotion of human right is hinged on the relation between of human past, present and future. Away from this recognition, humanity runs the risk of being reduced to the mere accumulation of wealth; and the same humanity thus loses the courage to be at the service of higher goods, at the service of the great and disinterested initiatives called forth by universal charity, as it presents humanity on the fate of the imposing scientific and technological humanism. the United Nations Organization (UNO), with the mandate to promoting common humanism through the valuation of the Culture of Peace as against the Culture of War, galvanises the convictions that humanity does not develop through his own powers, nor can development simply be handed to itself, but on the promotion of human togetherness and solidarity. This is course of development, sustainably directed to channel human actions and choices to maintaining institutions, creativities and innovations and organizations for the sustainability of the Culture of Peace, in fulfilment of humanity's right to Development. Therefore, the paper concludes that the courses of such development requires the union of the cosmological and transcendental vision of the person as the subject of lived experiences, and that humanity needs ontological mandate, the valuations of natural law, in recognising their rights and then work towards the sustaining the course of our common world.

Keywords: United Nations Organization, Human Person, Development, Human Rights, Right to Development

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