AKU - An African Journal of Contemporary Research (AAJCR) (Vol. 4 No. 4, 2023) DIVORCE IN CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE: CHILDREN AS THE MAJOR VICTIMS Author(s): Ibe, Julian Chukwuemeka, PhD


This work attempts to address a social problem that is eating deeply into the Church – the problem of divorce. The rate of marital breakups is becoming a cause of concern to anyone who cares about family life. Given that the family is the smallest unit of the society and marriage is the institution upon which family life is built, it is only natural that the growing rate of marital breakups in Nigeria should be a major cause of alarm. This is even more heartbreaking when a lot of these broken marriages are Christian marriages. Sadly, children, who constitute the most vulnerable members of society, are the major victims of failed marriages. The study begins with an introduction and then defines some relevant concepts. It discusses the concepts of marriage and divorce and exposes the Church's teachings on divorce from Scriptures to Magisterial teachings. It reveals some of the causes of divorce and then focuses on children as the major victims of divorce. Finally it makes recommendations and concludes.

Keywords: Children, Christian marriage, divorce

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