AKU - An African Journal of Contemporary Research (AAJCR) (Vol. 4 No. 4, 2023) GLOBALIZATION, EDUCATION AND UNDERDEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA: ADDRESSING THE MISSING LINK Author(s): EMEDEM, Cecilia Ukaemeke


Although some Nigerian scholars argued that globalization is the third phase of colonization, as a member of the international community, no country is shielded from the globalization process. Globalization finds expression in the process whereby the transmission of knowledge, skills, attitudes, abilities and behaviour cease to be geographically fixed, partly because of technology, but also through international media. Globalization is a fundamental factor affecting education globally in this century. Development, on the other hand, remains a challenge that will preoccupy all nations of the world that aspire to greatness. Different factors have been attributed to Nigeria’s underdevelopment condition; these include corruption, religious fanaticism, insecurity, inadequate educational opportunities, foreign debt, over-dependent on foreign products, brain drain syndrome, political intolerance and so on. It is against this background that this paper is undertaken to unravel the causes of Nigeria's underdevelopment. For Nigeria to break the crises of underdevelopment, the paper argues that political stability, functional and quality education, constant power supply, good governance, diversification of the economy, the war against corruption, bilateral relation etc are major factors that will catapult Nigeria to a developed and industrialized nation. This paper, therefore will examine the challenges of education in Nigeria. The paper will suggest ways by which those challenges could be addressed.

Keywords: Globalization, Underdevelopment, Education, Corruption

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